
Diana Martinez Alexander


My name is Diana Martinez Alexander. I am a passionate educator, activist, organizer and voice for my community.


 I was the first in my family to go to college, getting a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies from California State University, Los Angeles. I went on to earn a Master of Arts in Multicultural Urban Special Education and completed coursework for Educational Diagnostician and Principal certification from the University of St. Thomas. 


As an educator in a large, Houston-area school district, I have served special education students, linguistically diverse populations, and lower socio-economic communities. I’ve seen the struggles my students, their parents, and my fellow teachers and compassion workers go through. I take pride in walking students and parents through the special education process so families can navigate the school system equipped with knowledge.

Outside of the classroom I have worked as an activist and community organizer. I created a network of writers who I organized to write postcards in support of democracy, sending over 6000 to the Texas Capitol in Summer 2021 alone. I organized a group that connects concerned Houstonians with opportunities to assist Houston immigrant families. The group has provided support to organizations such as Casa Juan Diego and other mutual aid opportunities. I have also led a group seeking fair representation on the Spring Branch ISD school board.


I am a proud daughter of immigrants, wife, mother, educator, and advocate who looks forward to working for you in Congressional district 38.  

My mom had words as she sent me off to school every morning: “Go get ‘em!”  And that’s exactly what I aim to do, with your help.

My name is Diana Martinez Alexander, and I am committed to work for community.

Let’s change the world—together. 

With gratitude,


Diana Martinez Alexander

U.S. Representative, TX-38